Thursday, October 7, 2010


As my kick off post for my brand new blog, I'd like to introduce you to a fellow blogger I have been following for about six months now.  His name is John.  He is gay.  He is a Mormon. He is (from what I can tell from his blog), an amazing person-full of courage and strength.  His most recent post fits right into what I want this blog to be about.  Love.  Read what John has to say about the importance of Human Touch.

Human Touch by: John Gustav-Wrathall

I am in the throws of trying to figure out where we all fit into God's plan. I may not have all the answers and over time some of my answers may change but what I do know is God loves His children and would never abandon them. This blog isn't just about loving the gay community although it will be a big part of it.  It's about the importance of love in all of our lives.  It's about breaking down barriers.  It's about finding the best in people and telling them.  It's about opening our hearts.  I know this all may sound a little bit cheesy but its the truth.  I didn't just suddenly wake up after Jared died and realize I should have loved him.  I have always loved Jared and have never been afraid to tell him or show him.  Unfortunately, my love was not enough to sustain him.  He needed to know others loved him.  He needed to know God loved him.  He needed to love himself. 
I hope this can be a forum for people to share stories, share fears and concerns, share time and wisdom and most of all (of course), share the love.


  1. I want to share a quote by Elder Bruce R. McConkie...

    ..."persons may become mentally clouded to the point that they are no longer accountable for their own acts. Such are not to be condemmed for the taking of their own lives. It should be remembered that judgement is the Lord's. He alone knows the full intents, thoughts and abilities of men; and He in His infinite wisdom will make all things right in due course".

    The quote does not condone point is that...Jared was overcome with depression...and when you are overcome with depression it clouds your judgment...and Heavenly Father loves Jared and has not abandoned him.

    I don't want anyone reading this to think that suicide is the answer though...that is not my point...the beginning of the quote says...

    " Mortal life is a gift of God; it comes according to His divine will, and is designed to serve as the chief testing period of man's eternal existence. It is the probationary state or time during which man is tried and tested physically, spiritually, and mentally. No man has the right to run from these tests, no matter how severe they may be, by conscioiusly and willingly taking his own life."

    Then the quote states, "Obviously persons may become...(see the first part of this comment)... point is. I have experienced such crushing depression that I thought my only option was suicide. I really feel in my heart that Heavenly Father understands that Jared was overcome with the depression and lonliness...

    ...and I also want you to know that if I had committed suicide it was because I could not get the crushing sadness to subside...not because my loved ones and friends had failed me. Please don't think that you failed Jared. Depression can be all encompassing and truly block your abiltiy to feel like you are loved.

    Editorial Note: I am not condoning suicide, though...does this comment even make any sense?

  2. Lauren, Thank you for your comments and yes, they do make sense. I love these words from McConkie-I remember hearing them before. I'm sorry you have had some of these same feelings and I have come to realize that I didn't fail Jared-nothing I could have done would have saved him-he was overcome by such hopelessness. Of course, you always wonder if you could have done more...Thank you again-I can always count on you for wonderful comments and feedback.

  3. Something an old classmate posted on facebook. I just wondered if it might add to this particular subject of discussion. Oh! and I Love You.
